Saturday, February 23, 2013

Rosemary Focaccia Bread

Adapted from a recipe from King Arthur Flour

1 ½ cup warm water (110 to 120 degrees)
3 T olive oil (plus extra for greasing and drizzling)
1 ¼ tsp salt
3 ½ cups all purpose flour
1 T instant yeast (rapid-rise)
2 T finely chopped fresh rosemary

Grease a 9x13 pan and drizzle with 2 T olive oil.

In a large bowl combine flour, salt and yeast. Add warm water and olive oil and beat with an electric mixer on high for 60 seconds. Dough should be sticky. If not, add 1 T of water at a time.

Scoop the dough into the prepared pan and using floured fingers, stretch dough evenly across the pan. This will take some time and patience.  Cover with saran wrap and let rise in a warm moist place for 1 hour or until puffy (see creating a ‘proofing box’).

Preheat oven to 375. Drizzle 1 to 2 T olive oil over the dough, carefully spreading oil with a brush or your fingers over the surface. Using your index finger, dimple the dough all over. At this point you can lightly sprinkle additional rosemary and sea salt if you wish.

Bake until golden brown, 35 to 40 mins.

You can substitute rosemary with other herbs if desired, or omit entirely.

Proofing Dough
Creating a ‘proofing box’ will create a warm, steamy environment to help your dough rise.

In your oven: Turn oven on for 1 to 2 minutes and then turn off. Place a small oven proof bowl in the bottom of the oven and carefully fill with boiling water. You want the bowl of water to produce steam. Place the pan with the dough on a rack placed in the middle of the oven.

In your bathroom: Make sure any windows are closed and vents turned off. Turn your shower to the hottest setting and run for 3 to 4 minutes or until you feel the moisture in the air. If you have a heat lamp, turn it on, but any lights will do. Set your pan with the dough on a counter or flat surface. Close the door to the bathroom as you leave and let the dough rise.

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