Sunday, June 16, 2013

Limoncello & Lemon Ginger Syrup

5 lemons
2 cups vodka
1 ¾ cup water
1 ¼ cup sugar

Rinse lemons then peel carefully into long strips with a vegetable peeler. Using a sharp knife trim away any white pith from the peels. To a large glass bowl or pitcher, add peels and vodka. Cover with plastic wrap or airtight lid and let steep at room temperature for at least 4 days. Use the leftover lemons to make the Lemon Ginger Simple Syrup below.

After four days, stir water and sugar in a small saucepan over medium heat until sugar has dissolved. Cool completely then add to the peel/vodka mixture. Cover and let sit at room temperature overnight.

Strain the limoncello through a mesh strainer, discard the peels. Transfer the limoncello to a 1 liter glass bottle and refrigerate until cold. Enjoy for up to 1 month.

Enjoy as a cordial or on ice with a splash of soda water.

Lemon Ginger Simple Syrup
Juice of 5 lemons – about ¾ c
¾  cup water
1 cup pure cane sugar
2 inch section of ginger, peeled and cut into small sticks

In a small sauce pan, boil water, sugar and ginger uncovered, stirring occasionally until reduced to about 1 cup, about 7 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in lemon juice. Strain through a mesh strainer, pressing hard on the ginger to release juices. Pour into a 1 liter glass bottle, cool and chill, covered. Enjoy for up to two weeks.

Great for cocktails, teas, colds, or fresh lemonade…

Lemon Ginger Lemonade
¾ cup water
3 to 4 T lemon ginger syrup
2 T fresh lemon juice
Mix all in a small glass filled with ice. Enjoy!

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